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contoh kalimat state that

"state that" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • A government source stated that the U.S. will abolish
    Sumber pemerintah menyatakan bahwa AS akan menghapus
  • The rule state that you must bet at least $100,000.
    minimal kau harus bertaruh $ 100.000.
  • Possible IDs in three states that we know of.
    Kemungkinan punya i.D di 3 negara bagian.
  • Official vocab guidelines state that "force" is too aggressive.
    Kata yang lebih sopan daripada kata "pemaksaan".
  • I apologise... for the state that your in.
    sepurane yo... atas kondisi sing saiki terjadi padamu
  • But you have stated that she kills people?
    Tapi kamu menyatakan bahwa ia telah membunuh seseorang?
  • Friends from the States that I picked up somehow.
    Teman dari Amerika yang kubawa entah bagaimana.
  • They're in the state that I am the executive of.
    Daerah yang aku pimpin saat ini.
  • Pretty much every state that seceded from the union.
    Di setiap negara yang berpisah dengan AS.
  • It states that, unequivocally, Alex Vause gave her name.
    Dinyatakan dengan tegas, Alex Vause menyerahkan namanya.
  • Emmet! The prophecy states that... you are The Special.
    Ramalan mengatakan kau si spesial yang terpilih.
  • In this the Supreme Court clearly states that..
    Dalam hal ini Pengadilan agung jelas menyatakan bahwa..
  • No where in the rule book does it state that.
    Dibuku UUD mana ada peraturan itu..
  • Barry states that he needs his speed first.
    Barry menyatakan bahwa dia membutuhkan kecepatannya terlebih dahulu.
  • Fukuhara stated that Katana "has morals and codes.
    Fukuhara menyatakan bahwa Katana "memiliki moral dan kodenya.
  • Investigators stated that they possibly had suffered an illusion.
    Pemeriksa menyatakan bahwa mereka mungkin mengalami ilusi.
  • Albrecht (2013, pp. 1) states that there were 60.
    (Albrecht 2013, hlm. 1) menyebutkan 60 orang.
  • Elsewhere, Strabo states that Mariandyni are Paphlagonians.
    Di tempat lain, Strabo menyatakan bahwa Mariandini adalah Paflagonia.
  • Madison states that she is going to dump him.
    Madison mengatakan bahwa ia akan mencampakkan Mitchell.
  • He has stated that he is a Catholic.
    Ia mengatakan bahwa ia adalah seorang pemeluk Katolik.
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